About Patchouli Rose Herbal Apothecary


Our Story

We are a Fort McMurray based local skincare brand that was formed in 2021. It started with us reconnecting to our roots, getting grounded, and re establishing our deep affinity with nature. 

It became clear that our purpose was to tap into nature's magic and plant spirit medicine to craft healing potions, lotions, and remedies.

We are absolutely passionate about sharing our knowledge of earth's magic and healing properties through our natural skin care and cosmetics line.



*Health Canada regulates cosmetics and skin care in all categories under the Cosmetics Regulations of the Federal Drug Act.

*We, at Patchouli Rose Herbal Apothecary are following the mandatory requirements as outlined for cosmetics and skincare products by Health Canada. Each product has been submitted to Health Canada with a Cosmetics Notification Form ( CNF ).

*All of our ingredients comply with the Domestic Substance List ( DSL ).

*We are an incorporated company: Patchouli Rose Herbal Apothecary Inc.

*We are fully licensed in our home and operating province of Alberta to manufacture, distribute and sell cosmetics.